Apple Screensaver Pc

  1. Free Screensavers For Iphone
  2. Apple Screensavers For Windows 10

Mac® OS X® is an operating system for personal computers (PC), created by Apple. Now rebranded as macOS, it runs on Apple devices like the Macbook and iMac, and allows you to manage files and run other programs like web browsers, video games and even screensavers. Apple The Apple TV's unique 4K screensavers are one of the best features of the entire system. Apple used helicopters, drones, and even the International Space Station to film its screensavers.

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Update 9/18/04

I think I have fixed the problems with multiple monitors and several other crashes that were occuring. I also added the capability of specifying theresolution of each monitor. Casio playing games without. You can test the new version here. Email me if you experience any problems. Word for apple products. If I don't hear aboutany problems, I will replace the previous version.

Update 8/30/04:

Several people are having problems with the screensaver crashingwhen running on multiple monitors. This problem seems to be very rare, butI am still working on fixing it. If anyone has found a way to work around thisproblem by changing resolutions, changing graphics settings, etc. let me knowso that I can fix the problem more quickly. Thanks.

If you are having problems with the new version you can stilldownload the old version here.

Free Screensavers For Iphone

Update 8/14/04:

Version 1.14 is completed. Thanks to everyone would donated money and helpedtest the new version. Sorry I couldn't include every feature that wassuggested. Hopefully, all the suggestions will make it into the next version.You can download the screen saver here.Some of the new features include:

  1. Multiple monitor support (can show the same image on each monitor, differentimages on each monitor, or spread a single image across all monitors)
  2. Support for iTunes
  3. Support for file shortcuts
  4. Images can now be stretched to the current resolution
  5. Crossfade time can be specified
Thanks to everyone who donated money and helped test the new version.
Thanks to for designingthe nice new logo at the top of the page. Checkout his site.
Thanks also to for contributing the code for handling file and folder shortcuts. He has alsoimplemented a Windows version of the Apple screen saver.


Apple Screensaver Pc

This screensaver is essentially a Windows version of the Apple OS X slideshowscreensaver. When I first saw the screensaver, I had to have a copyof it, but unfortunately I didn't have an Apple. Instead of buying anew computer, I wrote my own version for the PC.

The screensaver displays a cinematic slideshow of jpeg images.The cinematic motion includes zooming in, zooming out, and panning.This motion adds a suprisingly effective mood to each image.In addition, you can listen to music from a CD, from mp3 files, or froman iTunes playlist.

This screensaver is free, but if you like it enough to donate money,please use the following button. I will be very appreciative.

Contact Info:

If have any questions regarding the use of MotionPicture screen saver, orhave discovered a bug, pleasesend me an email at Also, I would appreciate anysuggestions that would make the screen saver better. Just make sure toinclude something about MotionPicture in the Subject of the email, otherwiseit may be deleted.


  • GeForce2 or better graphics card (I know this seems unnecessary but a partiticular implementation issue has only been supported since the GeForce2).
  • DirectX 8.1 or higher (If you don't currently have this or have no idea what it is, youcan download it here).
  • Windows 95/98, XP, 2000

If the screen saver runs too choppy, or if images are not being displayedcorrectly, try using smaller images or lowering the quality slider. Although the screen saver may seemsimple, it is actually quite computationally expensive.

Known Bugs

  • I have received a report of the screensaver crashing when used on multiplemonitors. This seems to be extremely rare.
  • Occasionally, images are not loaded into memory correctly. This can causeseveral graphical issues. Depending on the device and drivers, this couldresult in a white screen, or in some cases the screen will flash red. This issue seems to arise from low performance machines or from using images that are too large.
  • Reading MP3s over a network may cause a DirectX Assertion error, orMP3s may just never play.

If you experience these or any other problems, please emailme at, and give me a description of what happened.I will do my best to fix these problems.

Version Information:

  • Version 1.1 : Improves on version 1.0 by removing support for WAV musicfiles and adding support for MP3s and CDs. If anyone wants WAV support,let me know and I will put it back in.
  • Version 1.11 : Fixed bug that causes crash the first time you runthe screen saver.
  • Version 1.12 : Fixed several bugs that caused crashes. Added features forrandom transitions, quality, vertical bias, and zoom/pan speed.
  • Version 1.13 : Added 'Max Zoom Distance' slider and the 'Always pan acrossentire image' checkbox.
  • Version 1.14: Added support for multiple monitors, iTunes, file and folder shortcuts, stretching images, default picture/music directories,and different crossfade speeds.

Recommended Pictures:

The following sites have pictures that look extremely goodwith MotionPicture screen saver.

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Apple Screensavers For Windows 10